Arlington Girls Dominate the Court

Our varsity girls basketball team went up against Snohomish (6-7-2) on Monday, June 7. First points of the game were made by Arlington with a two point shot by number 34. Arlington makes its way up to an 8 point lead still in the first quarter, with an overall score of 8 to 0.

This was broken by number 10 from Snohomish who made the first two point shot on their team, bringing the score up to 8-2. The final score from the first quarter ended up being 21 to 7 with Arlington in the lead.

During the second quarter, there were a lot of bumps and falls, but no serious injuries. The second quarter still had Arlington with an 18 point lead until number 22 of Snohomish made a 3 point shot bringing up her team’s score. At the end of the second quarter, the score was 43 to 18 with Arlington in the lead.

Going into third quarter, 23 of Arlington made yet another three point shot, putting Arlington even more ahead. Countering that shot, number 3 of Snohomish makes a three point shot as well. The third quarter finishes off with the score being 67 to 27. Arlington still ahead with a 40 point lead.

The fourth quarter of the game went by quicker than the other quarters. Both teams gained points during this quarter bringing the final score of the game to 77 Arlington and 36 Snohomish.