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The student news site of Arlington High School

The AHS Eagle

The student news site of Arlington High School

The AHS Eagle

The student news site of Arlington High School

The AHS Eagle

Sami Balcos

Sami Balcos, Photo Editor

Sami Balcos is a senior at Arlington High School.

She is involved in photography club and enjoys going to sporting events to support her school.

She is a photographer and writer on the production journalism staff.

Her goals for the future include going to school to become a cosmetologist and then eventually get her business degree so that she can open up her own salon.

All content by Sami Balcos
Cassie Hageman ('16) and others dance at the Swing Into Spring even on May 6th.

Accomplishment: Goals

Sami Balcos, Writer/Photographer
May 16, 2016

As we approach graduation, seniors may find themselves thinking about what they hope for in the future, whether it's the near future or farther away. Some may be wanting to get an education and pursue...

DECA Nationals Competition Trip - Nashville, TN

DECA Nationals Competition Trip – Nashville, TN

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer
April 29, 2016

On Friday, April 22nd at 12:15 a.m. PST, six Arlington High School DECA students along with Mr. Payne departed from SeaTac Airport and were on their way to Nashville, Tennessee for Nationals. After having...

Photo Gallery #7: Girls' Basketball

Photo Gallery #7: Girls’ Basketball

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer/Photo Editor
March 4, 2016

Photo Gallery #5: Boys' Basketball

Photo Gallery #5: Boys’ Basketball

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer
February 18, 2016


Hoodie Allen performing his song "King to Me" towards the end of the show.

Hoodie Allen: Concert Review

Sami Balcos and Rachel O’Day
February 10, 2016

On February 5th, rapper Hoodie Allen made the second stop on his Happy Camper Tour in Seattle. Since the show at the Showbox Sodo was sold out, we were prepared to be squeezed into the venue with about...

Photo Gallery #3: Girls' Basketball

Photo Gallery #3: Girls’ Basketball

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer/Photo Editor
February 10, 2016

[Video] Never Shout Never Concert Review

Sami Balcos, Writer/Photographer
February 5, 2016

Never Shout Never is an "indie-rock" band from Joplin, Missouri. Although the band has had member changes in the past, current members are Christofer Drew, Taylor MacFee, and Hayden Kaiser. On August...

The winter scene displayed in the BPAC foyer.

[Photo] Spending Time With Family During the Holidays

Hannah Martian, Editor-in-Chief
December 18, 2015

The winter scene displayed in the BPAC foyer.

Members of the Marketing Essentials class participate in "Santa's Helpers"

DECA Helping Out During the Holidays

Sami Balcos, Writer/Photographer
December 11, 2015

As we make our way further into the month of December, most people are writing their wishlists, shopping for presents for their family and friends, and planning what they're going to do over the course...

Michael Rusher (11) doing business math on one of the many of computers available to students during the school day.

[Photo] AHS Adapts: Using Technology in School

JJ Haldeman, Writer/Photographer
December 2, 2015

Michael Rusher (11) doing business math on one of the many of computers available to students during the school day.

Students Still Plan to Attend France in Wake of Terrorist Attacks

Students Still Plan to Attend France in Wake of Terrorist Attacks

Sami Balcos, Writer/Photographer
November 30, 2015

On November 13, a tragedy struck in Paris, France. After a series of coordinated terrorist attacks, there were over 100 lives lost and millions of hearts broken across the world. Students at Arlington...

Aaron Paloalto ('16) dances during a lunch time activity to raise funds for the food drive.

[Photo] Photos of the Week

November 19, 2015

Aaron Paloalto ('16) dances during a lunch time activity to raise funds for the food drive.

The map of the Commons for AHS Parent Conferences.

Are Conferences Still Necessary?

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer
November 4, 2015

With school-wide conferences right around the corner, questions concerning the necessity of teacher-parent conferences have arisen. Many students feel that conferences are unnecessary because grades...

The career center is a place full of great post graduation information.

AHS Welcomes Strachila to the Career Center

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer
October 23, 2015

After interviewing numerous potential candidates for the opening in the career center, the AHS staff welcomed Elise Strachila to the staff. Strachila began her position on Monday, October 19th and...

Max Schneider performing his song "Mug Shot" at the Crocodile in Seattle on October 12.

Max Schneider Concert Review

Sami Balcos, Staff Writer
October 21, 2015

Background Information: Max Schneider is a 23 year old musician and actor from New York. Prior to exiting the acting world and dedicating his life to music, Schneider has been credited for his major...

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