DECA Helping Out During the Holidays


Hannah Martian

Members of the Marketing Essentials class participate in “Santa’s Helpers”

As we make our way further into the month of December, most people are writing their wishlists, shopping for presents for their family and friends, and planning what they’re going to do over the course of winter break. For students involved in DECA at Arlington High School, their plans involve helping out the community.

Over the past several years, DECA has been adopting families from the food bank and collecting items on the family’s wishlist to present to them during the holiday season. This year marks their 21st annual fundraiser, nicknamed “Santa’s Helpers.”

In an attempt to fulfill every item on the wishlist, students volunteer their time and stand in front of stores such as Walmart and Safeway asking for donations of money and non-perishable items. With the money and food collected, the DECA students will shop for the families and try to check off each item they have written down.

Marketing Essential students also have previously sold hot chocolate, during which all of the money collected went towards the family that they had adopted.

A previous record set by the classes was 17,000 non-perishable items, and as of December 1st, the students had already collected over 14,000 items with a little over a week left in the fundraiser. This year, the program will be helping out approximately 25 families.

Junior Edward Radion, who has been involved in DECA for three years, genuinely enjoys participating in this fundraiser.

“It honestly feels so good giving back to the community,” said Radion. “The fact that we can do such a huge thing for the food bank through the holiday season, at a time when a lot of these families wouldn’t regularly get a Christmas. Just providing them with that Christmas is such a good feeling, and I’m happy to do it.”