Be Inspired by Drama

M Roller

Grace Moberly(’19), Angel Fernadez(’17), and Hannah Glunt(’18) run over their parts the day before opening night of Medley.

The Drama Department is a huge part of Arlington’s community. Whether it be their seasonal shows, participation in parades, or their positive attitude, they manage to put a smile on Arlington’s face. The cast, crew, and everyone else who participates makes it their goal to have everyone who watches their productions enjoy them.

So how did these talented students start their drama journey? They had to start somewhere, and that somewhere led these kids to great things. “When I was in third grade we took a field trip to go see Peter Pan at the high school, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever, so I guess that’s what really made me want to be a part of drama,” said Zeke Basher (‘18).

To be apart of Drama, you have to love the stage and performing. Something a lot of us are too scared and frightened to pursue. Emily Johnson, was only a part of choir and singing programs, which lead her to the auditions for Cinderella 2 years ago.  “I tried out for Cinderella and got in. Ever since then then I have been in love with Drama. I love being able to be a different character and have fun with it. It makes me feel so alive,” Emily Johnson (‘17).

“I actually got into drama over a girl. I was a sophomore and she was an older student that I had a crush on. So I went to one of her shows and fell in love with theater. Ever since then I’ve been involved with drama, and it is one of the best things to ever happen to me,” said Mr. Moberly.

Sometimes you need to take the leap and start something new. For these drama lovers, it was one of the best experiences of their lives. For all you know, that leap could lead you to great things.