Knowledge Bowl Starts off Season Strong At Glacier Peak
Hannah Martian, Lily Janda, and Aysia Brenner ponder how next to proceed prior to the second oral round at the Knowledge Bowl competition on November 17th.
Arlington’s Knowledge Bowl teams finished 5th and 20th, respectively, at the first meet of the year at Glacier Peak on November 17th. 44 teams competed at the tournament.
The goal of Knowledge Bowl is to acquire the most points by answering trivia-based questions, with each question garnering one point each. Teams can score a total of 200 points (50 points per round) throughout the day, with one written round, followed by three oral rounds. They compete in head-to-head-to-head match ups, and are allowed four members each, with the written round allowing for six members. If they are inclined, teams are allowed to substitute players at the halfway point.
Arlington’s “A” team, The Wikipedia Appreciation Society, finished 5th in the kickoff meet, racking up a total of 73 points. The winner of the meet, LaConner’s Somewhat Clean, scored 92. Arlington’s team came in just one point behind fourth place, Granite Falls’ Something Humerus, and three points behind third, Lynden’s Hemingway’s Tugboats.
The Wikipedia Appreciation Society is comprised of senior Hannah Martian, and juniors Lily Janda, Aysia Brenner, and Ben Rosenthal. Junior Amanda Martian competed in the written round, and was available as a substitute for the oral rounds.
“Going to my first Knowledge Bowl (meet) was a very enlightening experience,” said Amanda Martian. “It showed me how amazingly fun Knowledge Bowl can truly be.”
Arlington’s “B” team, The Average IQ’s, finished tied for 20th with a final score of 63. Stanwood’s Collin and Friends team also scored 63 points. The team is comprised of seniors Lily Bynum and Jacob Dietz, and juniors Nicholas Mendro and Sean McCauley. Edward Radion competed in the written round, and also participated in the oral rounds as a substitute.
“After long hours of googling Knowledge Bowl questions, I could finally apply my knowledge to the actual competition which was one that included quickness and sharp thinking,” said Bynum.
The teams look to capitalize on their momentum at their next meet, which takes place December 8th at Jackson High School.
“We were very competitive, and I’m feeling optimistic about the season,” said Brenner.
*Students who are interested in joining Knowledge Bowl are encouraged to see Mr. Mendro ASAP, as there are still spots available.