Sports Drive Continues Beyond Kindness Week
May 3 was the kick off for the sports drive! Through May 14 students are encouraged to drop off lightly used sports gear and equipment. Key Club is behind this idea to give back to the community and 100% of the equipment donated will be going to the Arlington Girls and Boys Club.
The sports drive is something that is unique and different from other drives, this was meant for kindness week and was extended an extra week to give the community time to hear about it.
Key Club Adviser Laura Anderson says, “It’s important to give back to our community because one day you might be in the situation where it’s hard to give back and you need to take… Giving helps students with compassion and gives a realistic vision of our world.”
So if you have any sports equipment that’s gathering dust in your garage, feel free to drop it off at the school! This can be simply done because it’s not something that you have to go and buy. It’s affordable and may be sitting in your house.
If you would like to be more involved and know what is happening with key club and what projects they are working on check out their official instagram page, @ahs._.keyclub. There you will find an assortment of fun posts.
Lastly, If you need more information about the sports drive, feel free to talk to any of the key club members. There are black bins located all over the campus for dropping off old equipment and posters in the gym to bring attention to the drive.
Anderson says, “Ultimately this is just an open drive where anyone can participate and give.”