What the School Has Provided For Distance Learning

Anne Hayman

This is just one cart of materials waiting at the front office for students to come pick things up.

Online school has taken a lot of patience for everyone, but Arlington High School has worked hard at supplying students and most of it is behind the scenes that you don’t see. The school has provided emotional support tools and physical materials that have helped make the school year a little bit easier. 

The one main thing we need is our social and emotional needs met and that’s hard when we’re learning from home. The counselors have worked to gather tools for students and have worked harder than ever before to keep up with students and their parents.  

Robin Knutson, the counseling secretary said, “We want to give access to an emotional support counseling resource list to parents that give them counselors in the community… counseling can be expensive but we want to provide opportunities for people.”

Megan Sumner, a freshman at the high school said, “Some of my teachers provided a list of counselors we could talk to. Stuff for mental health resources.”

The counselors have also worked to help provide learning opportunities and resources to help with school.

“Counselors will work with students to provide resources to assist with classes. It may be tools already offered like the math department provides Khan Academy, we work to understand students,” Said Knutson. 

One huge provision from the school for distance learning was new chromebooks and more hotspots. This is a major part of our learning because we’re online whether that be on a zoom meeting or just finishing up assignments.

“I think the chromebooks are good, they get the job done and are a good resource and have a long lasting charge.” said Sumner.  

Knutson said, “The school made a major investment in chromebooks. My husband is an IT guy in computer tech for the school district and he spent the summer setting up 2000 new chromebooks.” 

There are a plethora of materials that are needed for students to work remotely–like getting food for culinary class.

Culinary teacher Terri Bravomejia said, “I’m making individual meals that are prepackaged with all of the ingredients every two weeks. Students will pick it up and we make it together. But I don’t have the time to do that for all my classes…  If students don’t have a piece of equipment for labs they can check equipment from me. I checked a pastry cutter out recently. Just using normal kitchen stuff not using specialized equipment keeps it simple.” 

It has taken the school a lot of time, effort and money to provide students with the materials and tools needed for distance learning. From chromebooks to emotional support tools as well as regular school supplies. At the beginning of the year, every student received their own textbooks and extra materials that would be needed for their classes. Each person received their own cloth bag that was an estimated 1,600  packs. The school continues to work with students who need to pick things up.     

Many sophomores are reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm. While there are digital versions, brand new copies of the novel are waiting at the front office for students to come by and pick them up. (Anne Hayman)

Assistant principal Marilee Herman said, “I would say there are about five pickups a day. Usually on Fridays, there are all the meal pickups.”

When picking up supplies, students are to wait outside and ring the office for them to receive what they need. 

Just as important as pickups, the school has worked hard at providing learning stations for students to come to school who aren’t able to work at home. 

 “We have 35 kids on our campus… seven stations around the campus.” said Herman. 

Some students have listed the materialistic things they have gotten from the school that have helped them with distance learning along with some online tools.

Sophomore Nhaya Henley said, “Definitely my whiteboard that’s something I find I use a lot… Google classroom I use for turning stuff in and emailing I use a lot. We didn’t use to use emails but it’s definitely become a necessity to check and look at every day.” 

“I received a whiteboard I use for a bunch of classes and some textbooks plus books I need for ELA.” said Sumner.

“All our resources have been available before but not requested… there is a higher demand for materials.” Said Knutson.