Supporting the Golf Team
Cristina Hutchens (’19) practices on her putting skills at a practice leading up to the golf teams first match.
As the spring season starts, the new sports season begins. The student section fills up to watch the boys soccer team. Moms, dads, grandmas,and grandpas fill the bleachers the watch their family compete on the track. And spectators sit on the side of the court or field rooting for the tennis, softball, and baseball players. However, there is often one spring sport that is overlooked. Both the boys and girl golf team typically have a small fan base.
Part of the lack of supporters is the fact that golf practices aren’t held at the high school. Since people don’t generally see the athletes on the field after school or conditioning in the gym it’s easy to forget there even there. Nonetheless the golfers are still putting in the work. Rain or shine they are perfecting their puts or fixing up their swings.
This is Emily Harris’ (‘19) third season with the team, so she has gotten use to the limited spectators. “Sometimes it would be nice to have people there but it would add a lot more pressure” she said. Due to the fact that golf is a quiet sport, matches already give off a more serious feeling. Having more people there silently watching would only add to that.
Harris’ fellow teammate Emily Peterson (‘20) explained “it’s hard to have fans they’d have to walk around with you and you wouldn’t want anyone talking while you’re trying to hit.” Most student sections have a reputation for being loud and rambunctious, and golf is just not that type of sport. “You have to go in knowing you won’t have a lot of fans” Peterson added.
Despite the lack of spectors, golf still remains a family sport. Peterson first tried out golf because her dad had always wanted her to. Once she tried it she found she loved the sport and went on to play in high school. Both her and Harris have found a group of girls that share the same passion and are there to support them.