Preventing Sickness

This time of year sickness is inevitable for most. There isn’t much you can do since we are stuck in classrooms full of people who are either sick or coming up with a cold. Mr. Nelson the vice principle of the school recommended “If you are sick you should stay home. You should use hand wipes or hand sanitizer to get rid of the germs. And you should stay away from sick people”. Those are very good tips to staying healthy. Let’s face it even though most every kid in school wants to stay home and relax, we have school work we need to do and missing too much school leaves us behind. Mr. Roys our athletic director said “to sleep. And get enough rest”.  If you get enough sleep in one night you are surer to be more healthy. Whenever I get limited sleep during the day I feel incomplete and I usually end up sleeping in classes which is never a good thing to do. Mr. Ballew also handed out some words of wisdom “to drink lots of water and eat regularly”. This is a main factor in staying healthy whether it is the season of sickness or just a normal day. Hopefully these tips help and will prevent less people from getting sick.