Volunteering at AHS

Looking around the school I was curious of who volunteers at school and why. Starting off with Junior Alyssa Leatherman who volunteers at the no kill shelter in Stanwood called N.O.A.H.  “I have been helping out there for about 6 months now and I absolutely love it” (Leatherman). “I really enjoy working with animals and any part I can have with helping them not getting hurt I jump right on it” (Leatherman). She says that she wants to continue helping out every Sunday and Monday and people should go out and check the place out. Who knows maybe you will end up finding your new best friend and take them home!

Next person I Interviewed was Senior, Silvia Muro. She explained how she was about to start helping out at cascade hospital in Arlington. “I had to go through a month long process just to get cleared to help out there”(Muro). “I had to even get several shots” (Muro). She said that she picked this because she wants to become a nurse for her career and this helps her get an idea of what she will be expected to do.

Last person I interviewed was Senior, Elizabeth Roth. “I am in DECA and I help out a lot with Santa’s Helpers” (Roth). “I have helped out that past four years” (Roth). She says that she loves helping out with this program because it helps people in need over the holiday season. “Seeing the faces of the families that receive the presents and food is priceless” (Roth). She says she is super excited to see the outcome of this year’s donation and can’t wait to deliver it.

Overall I can tell that AHS has a lot of potential to help out in our community I just think some people need a little nudge and see what it can really to in our community! No matter if it just playing with animals, collecting food, or even helping out at our towns hospital, all if it helps and like these girls said it feels good to know your helping someone in need or just cant do it on their own. So get out there today and see how you can help!