Senior Year Zooms By

Everybody always talks about how fast senior year goes by and it will be over before you know it. But is that true for everyone? Going through the school I talked to a few seniors on how senior year has affected them and what the plan to do in the future. “senior year is the easiest and hardest year because even though I have really easy classes all my extracurricular activities really take up a lot of my time” says Coleman Holt. ASB officer, drummer in the band and major star in our plays, Coleman has been going in to his senior year with no time to waist. “Thinking that every event I do is my last really has sunk in because I know I won’t be here next year” (Holt). “I’ll have to get used to not seeing my friends everyday but I definitely won’t miss the crowded hallways” (Holt). Coleman says he is going to Everett Community College after high school and then eventually moving on to a university.

Moving on to someone in a different aspect of high school is Jared Alskog. Well known athlete and like able person Jared is ready to move on to the real world. Surprisingly talking to Jared he is not going to miss the sports in high school. “I’m ready to go on and move out on my own and to start my career” (Alskog). “I want to go to Everett and join the EMT program to be a fireman” (Alskog).  Jared is just sailing by his senior year. “This is by far the easiest year I have had all high school because I have such easy classes” (Alskog). “The senior project doesn’t scare me because as long as you do everything you’re supposed to do you will get it done” (Alskog).