Why the Library Times Changed


The libraries new hours

For many, the school’s library is a necessary resource for research, work, or sanctuary. If you have been at Arlington High School for a while, you would probably remember the times when the library was open for more than 15 minutes before the bell for first period rings.
With the library’s new hours, many who find the library to be their trusty resource feel deprived from their right to our beloved educational safe-place and therefore leaving many students with the question: why?
Mrs. Bolopue, Arlington High School’s librarian states, “because of staff scheduling. I can only work six and a half hours…I think it can be open longer, I’m willing to work longer hours, and I’m willing to be here longer, but I don’t think that’s in the budget.” To lay our worries to rest, the library’s hours are not shortened simply because the librarians are out to get us, or that our teachers have finally figured out that we are typing a whole essay within the last minutes of free time before class. It is simply because the school can only have the library open for a certain amount of hours.