Trump Walk Outs Spread Close to Home: Mount Lake Terrace High School


Courtesy of Sierra Clark from Mount Lake Terrace. Students holding signs against Donald Trump at their school walk out.

This election has caused numerous disputes all throughout the country. Those who feel strongly about Donald Trump, opposed or not, or those who have no opinion at all, stay in a constant merry go round of arguments.

It has affected us all in different ways and we all choose to express it differently. Schools across the nation have organized walkouts to voice their opinion on the matter of Donald Trump being elected our new President. That opinion being anti-Trump.

San Francisco, Phoenix, Santa Barbara, Seattle , etc etc. are just a few places who participated in this nationwide walkout.

Recently Mount Lake Terrace High School in Lynnwood decided to take this route not too long ago. During their sixth period on November 14th approximately 100 students of all ages walked out of their classrooms to protest.

Signs reading “Love Trumps Hate”, “Not My President”, “My Body My Choice” were most common among the crowd. Chants of ‘We reject the President elect” were heard throughout the town.

This protest remained 100% peaceful on scene, however, prior to the event social media broke out into a huge disagreement. Trump supporters were criticizing and degrading the idea of a walkout, while Anti-Supporters stated it was a waste of time because it wouldn’t change anything.

This was student organized, however, teachers respected the students exercising their 1st amendment rights. The Principal emailed parents that if their child chose to walk out, they would be counted absent.

“I participated because I wanted to show people that with the growing of hate in our country that our school has people that can reach out to if they feel they are treated unequally and we will be there to support them.” (Mikayla Berry(‘17) from Mountlake Terrace High School)

Students at Arlington High School support these walkouts as well as disagree with them.

“I support them to an extent. If Arlington chose to do this we would have a huge problem because of how many Trump supporters we have here. “ (Valentina Ramirez ‘19)

This election is going to impact our country significantly, how we choose to handle it is up to us. Some students have chosen to conduct walk outs and some adults have chose to participate in protests. These next few years hold an unpredictable outcome.