On the Path to Greatness: Drake King
If a student was asked about who they thought was an academic success, many would answer Drake King. Throughout his academic career, Drake King has been nearly perfect. With A’s in every class he’s taken, He’s on track to become a valedictorian for his class. “I didn’t know what a valedictorian was until the end of sophomore year. After realizing that I was on track to be a valedictorian it’s been my goal ever since,” he stated.
When it comes to school, Drake puts his education first. “Doing well in school has always been a priority to me. After freshman year I began to find joy in doing well because it made me feel good about myself.” He also claimed that “School to me is a place where you meet many different people and make lots of new friends. It also is a place to further your education to prepare you for college or the work force. Most importantly, it’s a place to discover yourself.” He also is a part of the National Honor Society, Knowledge Bowl, and the school band.
If there was a subject that he excelled in the most, it’s most definitely math. To him, any math test below a 95 would be a disappoint to him, and he has nothing to be disappointed since he has yet to score less than an A grade. The most important class he’s taken at AHS has been AP Calculus with Mr. Stallons. “When taking calculus”, he said to me, “I discovered my love for math. Up until then I had been good at math but hadn’t really enjoyed it. Calculus is the reason I want to pursue higher level mathematics.” Another reason Calculus was an important class in his high school career was his close relationship with the teacher Mr. Stallons. “(He) is the best teacher I’ve ever had. He not only is an excellent calculus teacher, he is also a very caring person. He influenced me to take Calculus 2 online and to always do my best. He continues to inspire me with his great attitude and his amazing personality.” Last spring, Drake took the AP test for Calculus and, unlike most, easily scored a 5.
Outside of school, Drake is a practical, hardworking, and outdoor-loving person. When he’s not working on projects around the house, helping his family on their house on Lopez Island, fishing, quadding, or working on his truck, he’s focused on school. As soon as he finishes his homework, he shifts his attention towards his future. He’s constantly online looking at colleges and the application process. Some colleges on his radar are UCLA, UW, Michigan, and Cal Berkeley to name a few. He hopes to get his masters in engineering to achieve his dream job of working at NASA.