Getting Involved: Sophomore Makenna Kelly is Impacting Her Community in a Big Way
Makenna Kelly stands with fellow YMCA Youth Advocate Molly Randall, as well as Congressman Rick Larsen and YMCA Directors Scott Washburn and Sue Anderson.
With the presidential election season just around the corner, teens are being encouraged more then ever to get involved with government and to have their voices heard–and sophomore Makenna Kelly is doing just that.
Kelly has been involved with the YMCA Youth and Government organization for three years. She participates in Mock Trial through the YMCA, and she will also be traveling to Olympia this month to be on the leadership team. Currently, she is a youth advocate for the Washington State Youth and Government Program.
One of Kelly’s latest endeavors took her all the way to Washington D.C. In February, she attended National Advocacy Days, during which she met other YMCA participants from around the country. In D.C., Kelly said that she was able to, “listen to panelists on youth development and social responsibilities.”
Kelly said that the biggest thing she took away from her trip was, “A lot about judging people and working together to respect people for who they are.”
Kelly appreciated and enjoyed the trip immensely. She got to meet other students who had the same interests, and got to learn about topics she was interested in, including Juvenile Justice.
“[The] youth of today needs to know that [their] voices can be heard,” said Kelly. “Don’t be disheartened about politics; if [the] youth demands a change they have to listen.”
For those that are interested in finding out more in the YMCA’s program, you can visit their website here.