AHS Adapts: Using Technology in School
Michael Rusher (11) doing business math on one of the many of computers available to students during the school day.
With the advent of modern technology, teachers are using new and innovative ways to inspire learning. The days of chalk whiteboards are long gone; and, in some instances, physical textbooks are as well. But does this new technology truly act as an asset, or a distraction to the students at Arlington High School?
One of the many benefits of technology its accessibility. The library, computer labs, and several teachers’ classrooms are all examples of rooms with built in desktops. In addition, every teacher at Arlington has the ability to check out Google Chrome books for the day; allowing students to distribute a laptop to students during the course of the day.
Junior Stephen Caponey thinks very highly of the fact that computers are now available to everyone.
“We use computers a good amount of time during English Class, and it really helps me as a resource and tool because I do not like to read out of physical textbooks”, said Caponey.
In regards to the time actually spent using technology, Caponey feels that “technology should be used more often in school, because it gets kids to respond more than the textbooks do.”
Technology at AHS is constantly evolving, as evident by the recent switch by several teachers to using a new quiz-based learning tool known as Kahoot.
Kahoot–which can be accessed from a student’s smartphone–allows students to log in with a username and answer specific questions inputted by their teacher. The students who successfully answer the most questions will see their usernames at the top of the leader boards, adding a sense of competition.
Mr. Cunningham, who teaches both AP U.S. History and AP Psychology, says that he uses Kahoot quite often.
“I use Kahoot about once every ten days” said Cunningham. “Anything that can incorporate social technology promotes universal learning for students.
“Question based learning can help promote students interest in the topic,” he continued.
Senior Billy Gillespie seemed not as enthusiastic as others regarding the way technology is applied here at AHS. Gillespie felt as if his teachers did not use it as often as they could, and the technology, “would be helpful but just not at school, [because] most people just use the WIFI to listen to music, and it is usually slow anyways.”
Physics teacher Mr. Davis has seen a large increase in technology over the past few years, as he has had to embrace both the good and the bad.
“The only problem that I have is the cell phones,” said Davis, but he also sees the good in it. “I use Moodle, the Document Camera, smart board, and Chrome books.”
Davis went onto say that, “[my] favorite form of technology would be the calculator.”
As the world evolves, so does AHS. The majority of students and teachers have a positive view towards new forms of technology, and the entire school seems to be taking advantage of innovative materials and concepts on a daily basis.

She is involved in photography club and enjoys going to sporting events to support her school.
She is a photographer and writer on the production journalism staff.
Her goals for the future include going to school to become a cosmetologist and then eventually get her business degree so that she can open up her own salon.