State Testing is a requirement in Washington State. Therefore, we take them at Arlington High School, but does anyone like it? Students in 10th and 11th grade take the state reading/writing and math tests.
Arlington sophomore, Ian Starup, said, “I think state testing pretty boring, but not necessarily challenging.”
Starup treats the test like a normal day, not worrying himself out about it too much. He said “Unlike most people, I don’t have much test anxiety.”
AHS junior Jacob Madriaga, has a different perspective on testing. Madriaga said “I feel like [teachers] don’t tell you everything on the test. I wish we were able to have something almost like a test review about the tests we’re about to take.”
Being prepared for the testing is something many students have complained about. Maybe in the future, things will change and students will be more prepared for the state testing. Sophomore Kaleb Bartlett-Wood, said, “I think testing is important, but kinda annoying to do. I do feel prepared when we take it. It’s straight forward most of the time, but can challenge me sometimes. If I had a suggestion, it would be to shorten the test, as it is too long.”