Strong Start to the Season
WESCO North Champs. The Arlington Eagles 2021-22 football season was one of their most successful seasons. The Eagles had an abundance of seniors with a winning record that season, and they saw themselves taking home the title of WESCO North Champs. Not only that but the team made it to state for the first time since 2012, which marked a huge turning point for the team as a whole. However, this successful team had paved their way to victory using the influx of seniors that the team had, meaning that the following year was going to be an interesting one.
This year’s Arlington Eagles happens to be a team that quite frankly lives in the shadow of their predecessor. Over 20 seniors that made up the team the previous year were gone. Evan Bowyer, junior at Arlington High School, said “we know we’re good players and have good practices, but we’re a young team and no one expected us to come out hot like this. It’s good for us.“
Bowyer isn’t the only one who felt doubted on the team, with junior, Elisha Ostap and junior, Jeremy Fleming Jr. both sharing similar thoughts.
Ostap stated that, “we felt doubted because a lot of seniors left and it seemed like we had a completely new team.”
Meanwhile, Fleming said that “everyone was against us, and we lost 26 seniors and only have 5 returners”
The doubted feelings weren’t the only feelings present, as Ostap also said that being undefeated “feels good, but you also feel a lot of pressure because if you lose it would be a big loss because we have already made it this far without losing.”
Fleming added by saying “well, it feels real nice, we feel ready to go into this Ferndale game and make up for the loss last year.”
While the Eagles eyes were on the future and keeping that win streak alive they were asked if being undefeated has changed how the team approached and prepared for the next game. Fleming said “I don’t think it changes anything.”
Ostap answered similarly, saying “no, we always practice like we play, no matter what.”
Fleming Jr. also said “we’re ready to go into the Ferndale game and make up for the loss last year.”
With the game against Ferndale being just around the corner it’s only a matter of time before the Eagles either stay undefeated or fall short of doing so.