“All in The Timing” by David Ives, Inside Look

The stage in BPAC.

Live performances are back here at AHS and to kick it off we are starting with “All In The Timing” by David Ives (a collection of five short plays). November The 5th  at 7 pm will be the first time back performing live since March 13th, 2020. “There’s a big learning curve for these students when you start putting drills in people’s hands it changes things,” said Scott Moberly, advisor of the AHS theater program. 

This will be the first time students do any hands-on projects since last spring. They have been strictly online and with no live performances, there are no sets to create or lines to practice. “A lot of it is communication they are used to the internet which is far different than in-person creative artistic ideas, its a lot less theory and a lot more hands-on,” Moberly said.

Students in the program have started to build sets for “All In The Timing” which includes woodwork, painting and lighting. “It’s great to see their creativity come to life, the joy of seeing the product of their work is exciting,” said Moberly.

All the students have their own part of the process that eventually turns into a final product, students enjoy seeing their collaboration and hard work packed into a show. “The best part is seeing people’s reactions to our final product and watching the crowd enjoy it,” said AHS junior Ash Bergstrom.

The shows will be on November 5, 6, 12 and 13th at 7 pm. Tickets are available at www.byrnesperformingarts.org, tickets go fast as there are only 215 seats. All participants must follow the current COVID-19 guidelines.