Does Quarantine Effect Your Mental Health?

A breakdown on how the separation from the normal way life in quarantine can be harmful for your mental health as well as some ways of helping yourself


Josh Hurst

Within the hallways of the B wing during “snowmageddon” of last year, the darkness creates fear.


Across the world the population is living in trying times. Simply described as “abnormal” throughout the country and the world. Putting this label over all of the earth’s people as we stumble through the droning limbo that this epidemic has pushed us into. But, very few stop to worry about the individual battles that are going on every day. You may have heard the term “Seasonal Depression” better known medically as “Seasonal Affective Disorder” or being “SAD”. What those around the world are suffering from is very similar to this. Seasonal Depression occurs when we receive a lack of vitamin D and human interaction. Humans are very social creatures and need these small interactions to stay lively. However, in the midst of a pandemic, being shut away in houses, locked away from the sunlight and our fellow man, a true threat presents itself.

The COVID crisis is more than just a physical threat, but an emotional one. The threat of stress, put upon the people at the fear of an unknown virus that could steal loved ones from them, it’s paralyzing. Yet still they cocoon themselves away, less living more hiding to preserve those around them at risk. 

It’s a terrifying dilemma, sit allowing the shadows of our homes to envelop us as we worry about possible tragedy. However, a very real threat is presented, one hiding away from others can’t save us from. The threat of this depression.

“I spend a lot of my time with my own thoughts, which can make me feel even more depressed if it drags on…” says Cameron Bruce ‘21. Cameron goes on to talk about how his time alone has caused him to face his own demons, something you’ll commonly hear from others when asked about how the quarantine has affected their mental health.

In a shocking statement the Medical News Today says “US cases of depression have tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic”. This, as of September 19th, is a rather shocking statistic furthermore proving the deadly undertones of this virus’s effect on the county’s mental health. 

Multiple other articles go on the state of the connection of COVID to an increase in depression;some of these include Hartford HealthCare, JAMA Network, and Globalization and Health at Biomed Central. saying, “The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on public mental health.”

Take this information anyway you choose but there is one very important message; you are not alone. Your struggles aren’t some indication that your work, nor should you seem ashamed at admitting to their being something wrong. This issue affects thousands of people all across the country and could be described as a pandemic itself. As this is a virus of the mind as well as body.

 “Let yourself feel your emotion. Cause they are real and normal. Don’t think you are weak for expressing and feeling your emotions. Emotions are what makes us human and emotions that we dread the most are what makes us the strongest.” This statement from a student here at AHS, states the point, don’t feel ashamed to express your pain and seek help if you so need it.

Since COVID there has been a plethora of ways to help with those struggling. These include practicing “Physically distancing not socially distancing” ,as reported by the JAMA Network. This in short means do not let the pandemic keep you from social interaction, but seek it still just at healthy physical distances. Also having the suicide prevention hotline (1-800-273-TALK), distance based suicide prevention,increased access to health care,and telemental health in place.

 All of these have been put in place to protect those in need.So if you need help, reach out and find the help you need. Now is not the time to suffer in silence, but instead be a voice of support and motivate those around you to speak up about their struggles.