Students of Film


Vivian Potong(12) records Delaney Barson(12) while she works on her yearbook project.

Whether it be gaming, vlogging, or music, a majority of us have at least uploaded a video to Youtube in hopes that it will go viral.  Within our school alone, roughly 38%, or 26, of 70 students surveyed have stated that they have had an attempt to try to start a Youtube channel.  This number is far off from the national scores gathered by The Sun, which puts it at nearly 75%.   

Now if we were to get very technical here, anyone who owns a Google account has a Youtube channel, whether that be for watching videos, or whatever.  But what we are looking at in our studies is to see how many people have tried uploading videos, creating graphics, editing, or whatever is needed to get a successful Youtube channel off the ground and running. 

Among the money obtained from running a successful Youtube channel, you can also get a few extra benefits.  If you decide to show your face on your channel, which some channels have gained massive popularity without even showing their face, or even parts of their skin, then you may also be entitled to a large amount of fame.  Again bringing up the 70 student survey, 42% have hopes that one day they will be famous. A small disclaimer here though, this is just in general, and not only for Youtube fame. This could be the soundcloud rappers at our school, or the Tik Tok creators who just hope that they will gain fame or clout one way or another.  But back to the topic, thats 29 out of 70 surveyed. An interesting correlation that I found while looking through the answers is that a majority of those who said that they have a Youtube channel also said that they wish to become famous in the future.  

Another correlation that I found while looking at those who said that they have Youtube channels, is that they are generally the kids that people would deem “the quiet kids”, or those who stick to themselves.  An interesting hypothesis that I have for this correlation is that those who at school seem to be quiet have more to say when they get home. And since it’s just a camera that they are speaking too, it’s a lot easier to say what they want to say.  

An alternative theory as to why so students have Youtube channels can be found due to their interest in films.  Jakob Hurst (12) has been making short films on his Youtube channel, “JakeHurstFilms”, for just over nine years.  “Growing up, the power of a movie was astonishing to me,” Hurst said. Throughout his nine years of experience, his reasons as to why he does short videos and Youtube has changed.  A little over five years ago in an interview, Jakob said, “[he] had done movies for fun, when [they] were kids, and [he] decided it would be a good idea to upload them to Youtube.”

As of lately, his feelings towards filming has changed to more of a profession instead of a hobby.  Often times Jake can be seen filming short films which are uploaded either for experience, college applications, or even for school productions.  As of December 3, 2019, four of his films have been shown to a large audience inside of the Byrnes Performing Arts Center.  

“I just like editing,” sophomore Carter Kikuchi said.  Carter, who has run a Youtube channel off and on for several years has always been looking for ways to get editing.  A majority of his recent film projects have been focused on school related videos, but still some revolve around personal interests.  

Overall, being able to create short films has become much easier for kids in our generation.  With the invention of the smartphone, editing softwares that are easily accessible, and Youtube, it has never been easier to create a film or video.