Healthy Living

It’s not easy but it’s worth it. Eating healthy not only helps your body, but it makes you feel so much better. Everyone has their own preference about how and what to eat, but eating vegetables and fruits is a great start. According to Mr. Hunter a P.E. teacher here at Arlington “ you should have a fruit and/ or vegetable with every meal”.  That is a great start for each diet.

“ Eating processed food for every meal is not good for you and will catch up to you later in life”. Says Junior Angie shell.  I definitely agree with that statement. You cant go through your entire life eating foods containing artificial flavoring and tons of sugar, and if you do expect weight gain and health issues along the way. But more than just junk food is a bad thing. According to a paleo website you aren’t allowed to eat bread and grain because it does nit digest. This is also a big problem because if it doesn’t digest it increases weight gain, and in return creates health issues.

But overall there are some people who would just rather eat good tasting food and be completely fine. “ I love sugar. I love chocolate, and cookies are one of my favorite foods. I don’t care if that stuff is bad for me because it is just so tasty”. That was coming from freshman Katie greaves. It is good tasting that’s for sure, and I think that everyone could agree with that. But in the long run everyone needs to learn to eat good, whether it be now or later.