The Cancer of Society


Sadie Collins

In March of 2018, students gather around in protest of the senseless violence

In today’s world, there are many ways to solve any problems we face. With all the technology and knowledge that we possess, you would think that people would solve all their problems with relative ease. However, the youth of America has resorted back to solving their problems like Billy the Kid from the wild west. But that only happens in other places, not here, not in Arlington.

Arlington is a relatively small town with a population just shy of 20,000 people as of 2016. We are still an agricultural community and some teenagers’ style shows signs that it will stay that way in the future. We don’t have a big crime rate, and as a community we are known for being a great place to raise a family. I felt this way too until quite recently, when a member of our community threatened the lives of close to 1,700 people.

A dark cloud of resentment has found its way to Arlington this week, and it threatened to strike with domestic terrorism and the only aftermath would be the ringing in our ears and the devastation that would shake our souls like a clap of thunder.

On Wednesday, September 26 there was a threat on Arlington High School that came from a former student. Nt a lot of information was given but we were informed that the person was arrested.

After seeing the aftermath of the Parkland incident and then seeing these atrocities continue to happen created a sense of urgency that I think we all need. This problem is no longer something brewing on the horizon, the violence is threatening people a little too close to home for my taste.

Not only has this cancer that plagues the American society found its way to the very place we call home, it is also back to visit our neighboring community. A threat was also placed upon the shoulders of those who attend Marysville Pilchuck High school. They found a written warning in the bathroom and said threat was treated very seriously. The local police were informed and school went on as planned the day the threat was said to be acted upon. Such resilience in the face of danger is if nothing else, brave.

In 2014, the community of Marysville had to go through this type of tragedy. That is why I was so surprised to hear about another threat there. They already saw the effect of this first hand, how could anyone want to put them through that again? The type of person to put this type of fear in their heads again is not someone who deserves to live life like the rest of us. This type of person deserves punishment and possibly imprisonment. A threat like this is one twitch of the finger away from being a catastrophe for hundreds of people.

Most people that do something like what happened in Parkland, Marysville, and countless other schools are usually students involved with that school. These monsters are delusional and for some reason think that they have some sort of justification for their horrendous actions. They get their “revenge” for something that happened to them and then they run away from their problems like cowards by then turning the gun upon themselves. What all of these people need to understand is that it is nowhere even close to being worth it. High school is nowhere close to being important in the grand scheme of life. The only way it can truly hurt you in your future is if you just don’t do it. Nobody in the real world will ask if you were cool in high school or care about it. If for some reason they do, that means they peaked in high school and you should enjoy that fact because it is hilarious. Times may get hard but they will always get better if you help yourself get through them. However, if you still find the world to be too much and you somehow think it would be a better place without you, then get help. If nobody can help you and you decide the only thing you can do is end your life, then please keep that to yourself and go out with some dignity on your own terms. There are ways to get help and hopefully you will use it as an alternative.

The sad truth of the matter is that these incidents probably won’t just stop. The only thing we can do is stay united and vigilant. If you know of someone that may become a problem for everyone else then report it so they can get some help. Authorities can’t do everything, it has to be up to the average person to help purge this evil from the world.