ASB Elections

           The ASB elections were originally set to take place on March 6th, have been moved to March 13. There are a lot of great people running that are determined to win.

           Bella Tift and Seigo Hall are running against each other for Activities. Bella joined the competition for activities to “get everyone more involved at AHS. If elected, I will focus on club activities, making sure that people feel involved in the school, and also give people a chance to become leaders at AHS”. Seigo Hall decided to run for activities because “I love the assemblies and I love talking in front of everyone as well as getting them hyped up and keeping them energized through out the entire assembly”. His future plans would be for the school, would be to “try to bring back the games during lunch and try to figure out new lunch activities that everyone will enjoy”.

           Chris Serica, Hannah Scarth, and Anthony Parra are running for the spot as president. Chris “loves helping people around him and just talking to everyone” and that is why he decided to run for president. If elected, he will possibly “change some of the spirit day ideas, and try to make the school environment friendly and more united like in a community way”. Hannah decided to run for president because “I have always been a part of this school and I want to become more involved in the aspects of AHS”. She hopes that if she is elected that she “would like to get this school as a whole, more involved in clubs and events and have more events with the whole school involved. Also those that aren’t recognized, I want them to be recognized more often.” Everyone should be recognized for something. Anthony Parra was president in 8th grade and it was truly a blast. “So next year in my senior year, I though I would run for president and have a lot more fun on a bigger scale at the high school. I feel like being energized and just be crazy and hopefully get people to come out their shell. I also hope to come up with a saying that sticks in everyone mind throughout high school such as “rip up your cool card” by Dj Smith”. That saying has stuck in Anthony’s head since freshman year.

           The election speeches will take place on the 13th, during advisory. Advisory will be 45 minutes long. The voting is for everyone except the seniors and the election speeches will take place in the gym. Then students will head back to advisory to fill out the voters ballet.