10 Helpful Tips for Surviving the AHS Parking Lot

- Be Polite and Make Friends By letting others go ahead of you and continually letting people in, you will make friends and hopefully they will do the same for you in the future. You will get out quicker if you have friends in the parking lot and people who know that you will let them in when the tables turn. Keegan Neilson, a junior at Arlington says that making friends helps him get through the stress of the parking lot after school
- Return the Favor: If someone always lets you into the exit line, when it is your turn, make sure to do the same for them. It’s always nice getting back what you put in. if you don’t let other students in even just a couple days a week, they won’t want to let you in. which will make everyone behind you mad and more angry.
- Plan Ahead Whether you have a job to get to after school or you just really want to go home right away, be prepared to either sprint outside, or just know that you will not get out right away. The school parking lot has limited spaces and a crowded exit with parent pick-ups and more students learning to drive always. The same goes for the morning, you will have to leave earlier than you think. There is only one entrance into the student parking lot, you have to be ready for a slow start.
- Have Patience and a Good Attitude: It’s the end of the day, you’re tired and ready to go home, the thought of sitting in the school parking lot for an extra twenty minutes after school does not sound fun. By staying positive and not wanting to rush the time will fly by. If you have a bad mindset, the time will drag on forever. Remember to try and understand that everyone else wants to leave too.
- Be Mindful, Be aware of others: There is always that one kid who lets five cars into the line, holding the rest of the line from leaving. Don’t be that one kid. Pace yourself. If everyone just lets in one person the line would run smoothly. Just remember that everyone has a place to be so be polite and conscious of everyone’s schedule.
- Don’t follow the Majority: Just because everyone else goes into one line, doesn’t mean you need to. Spacing is very important. If you see one row filling up, just find another line. If everyone is already trying to leave from the same place, spread out and make it easy on everyone in line. Maddy Rathert, a junior at AHS said “Park at the bottom so you are closer to the exit, or at the very top so you can get to your car faster and beat everyone out.”
- Don’t leave right away: If you don’t need to be anywhere after school, there is no reason to rush outside slowing the already slow traffic for no reason. Some students have jobs and places to be, if you don’t, wait at least a few minutes in the school for the parking lot to clear a little until you leave.
- Good communication Having good eye contact and clear signals can save you from an accident. Make sure you know what the other drivers are signaling you to do. Don’t assume you can go. The same goes for when you are signaling others, give clear, direct signals to avoid confusion.
- Watch for others: The parking lot is crowded and busy in the morning and after school. Students are leaving or entering the building. Be aware of the other students while you are in the car. Also the traffic directors are out there for your safety. Watch for what they tell you to do and slow down by people.
- Be cautious and conscientious: By remembering all of the previous rules and understanding where you and others are, getting through the parking lot should be easier and less of a mess. Above all, be considerate of others and be aware of your surroundings.
About the Contributor

Jacquelyn Stupey, staff reporter and photographer
Jacquelyn Stupey is a junior at Arlington High School. She is a member of National Honor Society and plays basketball for the school. Jacquelyn is a reporter and photographer for the AHS Production Journalism Staff. After high school, her goals include going to a four year university and obtaining a degree in nursing and pediatric care. After college, she would like to be a missionary and provide medical health for children internationally. Jackie wants to have a positive impact on the world and do all she can to help those in need.