A New Fish in the Pond
Principal Mr. Duane Fish stands with reporter TJ Roach in his office
Many of you may have noticed a new face wandering around Arlington High School. If you haven’t stopped to welcome him to our wonderful school then make the time to do so, this man is our new principal Mr. Fish. No matter how hilarious his name may be in such a place, I do believe he will fit in quite nicely. At any rate, every Fish needs a Boatman to make his day interesting.
Mr. Duane Fish said “Arlington is a great place to be.”
He made sure to get the point across that it is not only the school that is a great place but also the entire community. Mr. Fish is very excited to be a part of our school and community and serves an important role. Before he came into his current career, he spent 19 years in law enforcement. He believes that his past will not play a huge role as principal, he believes it can only help. His experience can only help because if there is danger, he said that he will ” run toward the danger.”
Fish cares for the students and wants to keep them as safe as he can. He became an administrator because of a man who played a large role in his life. His father-in-law Tom Conor, an Air Force veteran in Vietnam, pushed Mr. Fish to be better and work harder. He takes the words of Tom and applies them to things he does today.
When asked what he would like to change about AHS, Fish said that nothing needs to be changed; he only wants to keep the students successful and he would like to make concrete relationships with the students. He claims that he looks forward to ” getting to know everyone” most.