How to Survive the Beginning of the Year
Senior Caitlin Bartlow and freshman Sydney Crandall share a moment before their game, excited to be playing together this year.
Wandering the halls, staring down at either our phones or papers, with puzzled eyes: it’s the first day of school. With thoughts and plans zooming through our heads we’re also stuck with the worries of “How in the world will I get through this year?!” sitting in the back of our already over flooded brains, especially freshman and even some sophomores along with the new students and everyone in between.
As you go through school and get through each year; however, some of those worries will begin to fade away and even disappear. Everyone has their own little tips and tricks to get through the year. Some people prefer their standard, ignore the masses just keep going straight and find your way. Others, however, go the more exciting route and meet every single new soul their little hearts can desire.
But one thing is for sure, the beginning of the year is one of the toughest things students of all ages experience throughout any given year. New faces, new classes, new teachers, new goals and everything in between. From the academics to the socials, it’s all new, but one thing is for sure; Arlington High School and it’s students try their best to make the current year better than the last.
One junior, Cristina Hutchens, said that the best advice she received as a freshman was to “Just let things happen. it’s all going to come so quick so just enjoy it.”
The best way thing is to do “what makes you enjoy yourself. If you’re into sports, play sports; if you play an instrument, better your skills at that instrument; just do what makes the schooling part a little more bearable,” Hutchens said.
The school year is something to treasure and enjoy, as some upperclassmen would tell you. Throughout the four years, there will be ups and downs but the goal is ultimately enjoy majority of their time here.