Electionlypse Now
Well the day is finally here. After months of scandals, personal attack ads, and twitter beef; In less than 24 hours we’ll have a new President in our country.
If this election has taught us anything, it’s that we seem stand as a nation that is divided. We seem to stand on polar opposites on the political spectrum. The lines that were once Democrat and Republican have been blurred into something the likes of which we’ve never seen.
This election features the first woman to be elected by a major political party. It also features a business mogul, that despite having no prior history in politics; has gained a fierce following of millions of Americans.
The tagline of ‘Make America Great Again’ has been plastered on hats and the bumpers of cars all across our country. Fierce debates of candidates or more so, the shortcomings of their incumbents have rang through our homes.
When it’s said that this is election that is unlike any other in the history of the United States, it’s said with a great confidence. People seem to be voting for not who they like the most but rather who they dislike the least.
It’s hard for Americans to get past Hillary Clinton’s prior convictions. As an ongoing case by the Federal Bureau of Investigations taps into her email scandal she stands firmly that she has not broken any laws. The fact of the matter is that thousands of emails are still unaccounted for, an unsecured servers were held with potentially confidential information.
Donald Trump has called for an increased search into Clinton’s emails. Even saying at one point that if he’s elected President, that he’ll personally make sure that Hillary Clinton is put in prison.
However, Trump doesn’t come with a golden track record of his own. Over the past few months he’s seemed to offend every group of people that there is. From calling Mexicans rapists and killers. To asking black voters to cast their ballots for him because they have nothing else to lose.
Most recently Trump has come under fire for sexual harassment claims from a variety of women. He’s been recorded saying that he can whatever he wants to women because of his wealth.
As election day dawns upon us, the threat of a rigged election has been voiced by both sides. Trump is firmly set that if Clinton wins, that there is some sort of foul play at hand. On the other hand, the threat of outside hacking from Russia, could help turn the election in Trump’s favor via electronic based polling.
But despite all of these issues, the fate of our country hangs in the balance. Tomorrow we’ll know who is in charge of our great nation. We’ll know who will lead us and help work through the great deal of issues that we face.
Who will lead us through all of these issues is really something that won’t be found out until tonight. Even if we are a nation divided one thing is for certain, we’ll all be crossing our fingers.