Food to Fuel Your Day
Wonder Woman, otherwise known as Lunch Lady Carol Mitzelfeldt, cleans up after lunch on Friday, October 30.
It’s common to feel tired or run down during the school day. Through all the Red Bulls or coffee people drink, it just doesn’t seem to keep them energized long enough. This problem has a simple solution.
The easiest way to stay fueled throughout the day is to eat. The obvious fruits, nuts and veggies will always do you good but there are some other options as well. The best way to start off the morning is with a balanced breakfast.
“Most of the time, I don’t eat in the mornings,” said senior Savannah Miles.
She is not alone, as many people skip breakfast and suffer for it. For a healthy option, try making a parfait with granola and some plain Greek yogurt and fresh fruit. This morning meal will provide the balance of lean protein, whole grains and fruit to start your day off right.
For people who don’t have the time to eat before school, Stacey, one of our school lunch ladies, said that, “The school has all sorts of fruits and even yogurt parfaits for anyone to enjoy.”
Next up is lunch. Although there are many possibilities, tuna is one of the best. A sandwich filled with omega-3 rich tuna is the best way to power a brain. To increase the amount of protein, you can swap out the mayo for hummus when making your tuna on whole grain bread. The best way to have your veggies is to pack them into your sandwich. Avocado can make for a nice addition in your meal.
“I always liked chopped spinach, celery and diced cherry tomatoes” said senior Zach Larson.
Lastly, snacks. Instead of greasy chips, pack a healthier snack option—Pirate’s Booty is a good choice. This baked, all-natural snack has half the fat and far fewer calories than regular fried chips…and it’s also delicious.
“I’ve always loved Pirate’s Booty,” said senior Anastaya Dickson. “I couldn’t get enough of it as a kid.”
Don’t fret if you have allergies because Pirate’s Booty is safe for people with common food allergies like tree nuts, gluten or peanuts. Another good choice is hard boiled eggs. If you don’t mind the smell, they are an excellent snack to boost your brain and energy!
All over the internet, new recipes and food ideas can be found just to help you through your day. If you don’t like tuna or granola, there are endless possibilities you can choose from.