Students and Summer Jobs
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Come every summer there are always students that are seeking to make some quick money with a summer job. Compared to previous years, finding a job has almost never been easier. From online sources, to in person applications there are numerous ways to go about the situation. Random selective interviews around the school suggested the idea that the best way to approach finding a job was the online research route.
Finding jobs online might seem frightening, but in all reality it only takes a quick keyword search of “Jobs near me”. Arlington Senior, Avery Lindsay said that when it comes to your job you “want to not be lazy and be the first to get on stuff and get it done… “.
Most jobs for high school students and minors all tend to offer no more than minimum wage, which at first might seem unnappealing, but a job in high school is a great learning experience. Counselor at Arlington High school, Ms.Sullivan, stated that “for most jobs you have to be 16 years old…but it opens this whole conversation about career development“.
A paycheck is rewarding enough, but each job taken is a new learning experience in some way or another. Lindsay finished the interview giving the advice to “ not be afraid to ask questions, don’t argue or get mad at work and don’t cry in front of the customers “. It might seem scary at first, but having a job is more than just a paycheck, but a learning experience too.