Erin Jones Starts the Conversation

photo by The Seattle Medium

Starting a conversation of meaning and purpose, Black Activist and Educator, Erin Jones, came to speak at Arlington High School on January 12.

Jones spoke a story of triumph and struggle growing up as a black adoptee in a primarily white environment. Her message caters towards the younger audience, as representation and discrimination is a quiet conversation here at Arlington. 

When asked why it is important to share her story in PWIs (predominantly white institutions), Jones replied “I spend more time in predominantly white spaces because I know this is an American’s story, not just a story for the black neighborhoods. It’s a story for all of us.” 

She not just impacted students of color, but everyone.

Senior Aiden Krause said “I personally thought she was really unique in the way she engaged with the audience. And she had a lot in common with the audience, like basketball, and stuff like that. I just think that’s really healthy for a speaker, to get someone’s attention.”

Referring to how Jones set the gym at ease with her colorful vibe, and turned a speech into something that is like having a chat with a friend.

“It was a very sobering experience to hear what was happening to other people across the country,” said Carson Rasmussen, a senior at AHS. Ramussen also highlights how “it’s important to have a discussion because these problems still exist. It’s up to us to try and fix it, or at least make it better in the future.

“In Arlington, we see a lot of students brushing off people of color and race, as something in the past, like it’s something we can ignore. But it’s [racism] not in the past. It’s something very real,” said AHS senior, Kaleb Szackas.