What’s Happening in the World of Physical Education?

John Yeager

Mr. Hunter oversees his students’ progress during a workout in his Speed Power and Agility class.

What’s Happening in the World of Physical Education?


At Arlington High School, there are many different P.E. classes offered, and sometimes the decision on which course to take is quite difficult. But all of these classes have one thing in common: they all include a form of exercise.

The courses have a wide range of variety, ranging from classes purely for lifting weights to classes strictly for walking. Mr. Hunter, a P.E. teacher and head of the P.E. department, teaches the Speed, Power, and Agility class (S.P.A.), General Weight Training, and Athletic Weight Training. Currently, in S.P.A., the students are working hard. The class includes two days a week dedicated to purely olympic lifts and the rest of the class is spent doing speed, strength, and flexibility jump training.

In the Net Sports P.E. class, the current subject is pickleball, a game that combines aspects of badminton, tennis, and table tennis.

In Recreational P.E., the students are playing football. They have been assigned teams and after their warm ups everyday, they head out to the brand new turf football field at Arlington. The teams are made up of six people and they compete during the period for about 20 minutes. In walking class, they are doing what you probably expected, Walking.

Fit and tone is a class that focuses alot on aerobics and weight training. The class is a popular one among the ladies.

P.E. is required for graduation at Arlington but the P.E. department does a great job at keeping every course interesting one way or another. When asked what he enjoys most about teaching Physical Education, Mr. Hunter answered saying, “Seeing the growth out of the students. By the time they come in they are super sore and everything hurts and by the end of the semester they’re flexing in the mirror and have a confidence level they didn’t really have when they started.” With a brand new football field and a quality weight room and gym, Arlington is an easy place to thrive in when it comes to P.E. The support from the great teachers in the department hints at a great year to come.