Boys Basketball Helps Solve the Need for a Food Truck
Trent Nobach and Levi Younger run the raffle ticket booth at the Boys Basketball Food drive and Bake Sale. Nobach holds up tickets that he runs out to cars, when they donate money to the food bank.
On Saturday, November 14, Arlington Boys Basketball came together once again to help our community. All proceeds from their bake sale and food drive on Saturday will go directly to the Arlington Community Food Bank. Caryn Brown, Coach Brown’s wife, said her goal was at least twenty cars. By the end, the basketball team had well over twenty cars, one full van loaded with food donations, a full trailer filled with textile goods and not to mention all the raffle tickets people purchased.
The atmosphere throughout the entire event was truly delightful. Coach Brown tweeted out to his followers, “this is an important cause to not only our community, school district, and program, but my family as well. We are so blessed to live in this community.”
The Arlington Food Bank would like to have a food truck to be able to make deliveries to families. The food truck would be beneficial to the elderly and others with transportation issues. We hope the food truck will also break the stigma of being afraid to use the food bank. The hope is that the truck will be a way for people to not feel embarrassed or ashamed. All proceeds will be going towards the truck and the food bank themselves.
The first booth on the North end was the raffle tickets. Donating one dollar got participants one raffle ticket or five dollars got you six tickets. Each raffle ticket was entered into a giveaway basket of your choice. One lucky winner will be chosen for the following twelve baskets that were displayed: the Coffee Basket, the Dog Basket, the Succulent Basket, the Retro Toys basket, the Tween Basket, the Spa Basket, the Girl Lot Basket, the Bowling Basket, the Arlington Basket, the Pizza Basket, the Boy Lot Basket, and finally the Star Wars Basket.
The booth displayed on the South side was their bake sale goods which included brownies, basketball frosted cookies, cupcakes and more. They even had dog treats for the families that brought their dogs through.
If you would like to make a donation directly to help purchase the food truck, please click on this link.