Our Teachers and their Dedication to Zoom
Suddenly, words like “will you be on the zoom today” or “my Wifi is not working” are in just about every students’ conversation. Due to the pandemic it is obvious that teachers and their students are trying to adapt to their new workspaces. Teachers especially are under a lot of pressure, as they have to prepare virtual lessons and or pre record lessons.
The dedication especially at Arlington High School is tremendous.
Mr. Brown is a junior and senior English teacher as well as the boys varsity basketball coach here at Arlington. Brown has not only shown dedication to his students but also has shown everyone how to persevere any trouble online learning may throw at you.
Four computers and two TV screens is how Mr. Brown gets it done. It is expected that his students have their cameras on and that they have a good camera angle, to ensure that they are paying attention. Something many do not know, unless you have had Brown, is that he likes to play music during his lessons. This is his way of engaging with his students and he picks songs that he feels fits a specific student perfectly.
Jacob Burkett, one of Brown’s senior English students said, “His teaching is a lot different than any other teacher I have ever had, but he also is the only teacher that has taught me something new every day and I understand it. He stays up late a lot and really puts forth an effort for us. I know for a fact that he cares a lot about us and makes sure we are learning important stuff that we will need to know in the future.”
Another teacher that continues to show her dedication to her students is Mrs. Copenhaver. As a parent of a high schooler and a teacher, she understands the stress online school may cause. Copenhaver is a strong believer that positive attitudes can give us power over the circumstances we are in. Rather than having our circumstances have power over us.
When describing the online schooling she said, “It’s been nice to take advantage of that flexibility.” She truly tries to find the positive in every situation and help her students navigate through rough times. She doesn’t want her students to dread her class or be overwhelmed with her workload.
Copenhaver said, “I don’t need to be the reason someone is having a bad day.”
Being a parent has made Copenhaver’s choices as a teacher change as well. Seeing her son struggle with online learning has made her classroom atmosphere completely different.
Keeping her traditional teaching ways, but modifying them to the circumstances we are under, has been an adjustment. Starting in July, before the school year even started, Copenhaver started planning for this upcoming school year. Continuing to use her PowerPoints, she has pre recorded videos of her talking while going through each slide. She usually records these during her fourth period prep, during her lunch, or even after school. However, she also gives students the option to just view the PowerPoint without her commentary as well. Her commitment to helping her students learn and making sure they have all the tools they need is crucial.
Cole Cramer, a senior in her government class said, “she does not require us to have our cameras on, which I believe is very respectful. I enjoy her class very much because she does a great job of explaining the topics and giving us adequate time to complete the work.”
We appreciate our Arlington Staff and all their hard work. Tell your teachers how much you care about them and make sure to acknowledge all their dedication.