Honoring our Veterans
Every year on November 11, we celebrate our veterans, the men and women who have previously served or are currently risking their lives every day for our freedom and to keep the people of our country safe. We have dedicated this day to thank, honor, and appreciate our veterans and all they have done for all of us.
Every day military service members leave their homes, wife, husband, kids, parents, etc. not knowing if they will return home. The sacrifice is made by the individuals who enlist but also by their families.
Whether you see them in public or they are a friend or relative, consider thanking your veterans for their service and risking their lives for the safety of you, your family, your friends, and everyone around you.
Roughly 2 million Americans, 0.4% of the American population, are active duty military. About 1.4% of the military is female and 13.4 % are male.
Here’s a breakdown of the percentage of Americans currently serving in the military around 3.1% of Americans have served in the Army, 1.7% in the Navy, 1.4% in the Air Force, 0.8% in the Marines. The rest of the 0.5% are in non defensive or reserve roles
Around 656,000 veterans died in battle; 552,000 veterans died during their years of service but not in battle. The other 32.5 million veterans died after military service and those numbers are climbing higher and higher every single day
Normally, the city of Arlington would have a parade with a fun show down the street with veterans included in the parade, but unfortunately due to this year’s COVID-19 circumstances there will not be one.
If we were in person at school, we would all get together and celebrate Veterans Day together with an assembly. The assembly will be digital over zoom during advisory period this Friday with a slideshow including music, quotes and pictures submitted by our AHS students and staff. You may watch it here.
We take this day to honor our veterans, the ones lost and the ones still here. We take November 11 to celebrate the amazing veterans we have in our lives.