Making Mamma Mia Happen

Poster for Mamma Mia, coming to the BPAC March 1, 2, 8, and 9.

There’s more to a show than just the performers.  Some people are never seen, but without them the show cannot go on.  These people are part of the crew. Within Mamma Mia, coming to the BPAC March 1, 2, 8, 9, there’s almost as many cast as there is crew.  

The assistant stage manager helps run everything that is going on during the show.  They take the orders from the stage manager, Tomas Ramirez (12) and fulfill them. Ryan Wirth (10) has been a stage manager for three full shows.  He hopes to “move up the ranks” and become a stage manager in the future. The reason that he continues to be a stage manager is because he likes “having the control over one section”.  

Not to be confused with Flight, fly crew are the people who make all the magic happen from the ceiling.  During The Game’s Afoot, fly had to make it snow every time a door opened, and now during Mamma Mia, they do way more.  

Trey Krause (10), is the most experienced fly member in the play.  He has been working fly since he first joined the drama program. The shows he’s worked on includes: The Game’s Afoot, Saturday Night Lies, Foreigner, Seussical, and now Mamma Mia.  I have such a good time with all my friends who do crew and I have been able to get (to know) tons of people that I enjoy talking to and working with involved… It’s just what I love to do.”

Although Trey has been working Fly the longest, there’s more than just him involved.  Fly crew consists of Trey Krause (10), Cody Perdue (12), Josh Hurst (9), and Jacob Bolque (10).  

R.J. Stevenson (9) has worked the sound board for three shows.  “I just find the technical part interesting” R.J. said. Working alongside Nolan Malme (11), Will Slavick (9), and Katelyn Cobb (12), R.J. controls all the microphones and sound effects.  

It takes a lot of people that you rarely get to see, to make the shows work.  Without any of the crew members, “it would just be a lot of people talking on wood” Ryan Wirth (10) said.