Buy Your 2018 Yearbook!
The cover of our 2018 yearbook.
The end of the year is coming up fast, and that means the time to buy your yearbook is dwindling. Distribution day for the books is estimated to be June 8th during 3rd period for seniors only and June 11th at the end of the day for the rest of the school. Yearbook sale days are June 1st for seniors only and June 4th and 5th for everyone else. The cost of yearbooks are $65 and you can pay at the attendance window with cash or a check. They will not be for sale after this time, so make sure to get one soon!
Why should you buy a book? Well, the theme of our book this year is 360. This encompasses our whole community with our area code and the all-around coverage of the students at our school. The book captures a panoramic view of the events and people that made this year special. To find out more, buy your yearbook on June 4th!
There are only 200 books left for sale, so make sure if you want to buy one, you do it as soon as possible. On distribution day, yearbooks will be available to pick up at the end of the school day with photo identification, so bring your ASB or ID card with you. However, you may not pick your books up early or pick up someone else’s book for them. If you aren’t sure if you’ve bought a book already, you can check in with Connie down in the attendance window. If you have any further questions, feel free to stop by Hayman’s room before school, during lunch, or after school.